This is plugin helps creating custom buttons to insert a block of desired HTML in CKEditor.
Sample icons from Tango!
Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Extract the contents of the zip in you plugins directory, so it ends up like
ckeditor\ ... images\ lang\ plugins\ ... htmlbuttons\ plugin.js docs\ install.html ... skins\ themes\
Now add the plugin in your config.js or custom js configuration
You must add to your config a new entry defining the buttons that you want to use. For example:
config.htmlbuttons = [ { name:'button1', icon:'icon1.png', html:'<a href="">Search something</a>', title:'A link to Google' }, { name:'button2', icon:'icon2.png', html:'<table><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table>', title:'A simple table' }, { name:'button3', icon:'icon3.png', html:'<ol><li>Item 1 <ol><li>Sub item 1</li><li>Sub item 2</li></ol></li></ol>', title:'A nested list' }, { name:'divs', icon:'puzzle.png', title:'Insert items', items : [ { name:'button4', icon:'icon1.png', html:'<div class="wrapper"><ol><li>Item 1</li></ol></div>', title:'A div with a list inside' }, { name:'button5', icon:'icon2.png', html:'<p class="heading"> </p>', title:'A paragraph with a class' } ] } ];
In your toolbar configuration, add a new button for each item in the place where you want the list to show up.
config.toolbar_Basic = [["Bold","Italic","-","NumberedList","BulletedList","-","Link","Unlink","-","Maximize", "About", '-', 'button1', 'button2', 'button3']];
Now empty the cache of your browser and reload the editor, the new buttons should show up and you can insert the HTML that you have configured with each button
CKEditor is ©
Sample icons from Tango!